Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Golden Turd of 2013 Nomination: Finatticz 'Don't Drop That Thun Thun'

The search and subsequent award for the most terrible thing to hit music continues...

Youtube has the Music Video for this listed as being added in 2011, iTunes Aus has it as April 2012 but it's just started (unbelievably) to enter the iTunes Top 100. I say unbelievably because.... Oh my God this song is turgid in every sense of the word. And if a song that is over two years old and as bad as this can have a (hopefully) brief life inside the Top 100 songs of the moment than something is not right with the listening public. And just as music was beginning to change to a more positive level of goodness. After a nice little stretch of no novelty songs impacting over the past 3 or 4 months, I was expecting one to come along soon, but not this, definitely not this. Who are these people anyway? Finatticz? Who puts a 'Z' instead of an 'S' these days? Two T's? And Thun? What? Ugh. I...I just can't go on. So this is another nomination for 'The Golden Turd of 2013', Finaticz 'Don't Drop That Thun Thun'.

Don't Plug-it in and listen below:

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